Monday, December 7, 2020

7 Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make


We all know that marketing is key in starting and growing a business. One of the first concerns many new entrepreneurs have is on how to get the word out about their business without disbursement a wad of money.

What I want to mention in this post is 7 Marketing Mistakes that I see people make when marketing their business. I hope you'll make not of them and try not to be an offender of one of these mistakes listed below.


  1. Not asking for professional help soon enough. A lot of time entrepreneurs will wait to invite help after they have spent time, energy and tons of money on marketing methods that bring in little results. Know when to stop the madness and invite help from people who can and will help you. This doesn't mean asking cousin, Benny if he can put out few fliers for you. This means asking a knowledgeable trafficker or business coach on various marketing strategies to use.
  2. Believing there is a market large enough to financially support you now and for years to come. You need without doubt that your product or service will be something everyone inevitably or wants. I know sometimes quirks happen and you may finish with a "pet rock" sensation that makes you millions. But why chase it, so stick to a good rule of thumb. Make sure your targeted market wants or inevitably your product or service.
  3. Don't copy others! What may have brought succeeder to your competition may not bring you the same type of results. Also, don't copy other people. I have been to websites or read books where people have plagiarised other people's work. This is so wrong!!!!
  4. Believing people will flood to their website or business just because they hang their herpes herpes zoster up expression they're open for business.
  5. Not having business card game or other marketing materials for networking events.
  6. Not attending offline networking events consistently. Attending a networking meeting every once in awhile is poor taste. You need to attend on a regular basis so that other members can get to know you and start sending you referrals.
  7. Not having a marketing plan that entails both online and offline methods.

Once you understand the grandness of avoiding these 7 mistakes. You can take the necessary stairs required to put together a Results Oriented Marketing Program.

To Your Success,

Sharron Williams Founder of Health and Wellness Entrepreneur

and co-author of Off The Wall Marketing For Health And Wellnesspreneurs.

7 Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make
7 Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make
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AboutElizabeth Hayes

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