One of the most thought-provoking and thrilling films you'll ever see was Michael Mann's 1999 classic The Insider. Simply put, the story centered around one man who told the truth and other who reportable the story. Sadly, both paid the price.
The Insider is truth tale about a Big Tobacco man of science (Russell Crowe) who exposed industry secrets, and the newsman (Al Pacino) who fought corporate forces that would have suppressed the story. It offers a coup d'oeil into power, media and money in America.
I extremely doubt that by telling the truth about the network merchandising industry that I'm going to get calls from (acclaimed film director Michael Mann) trying to secure the flic rights to this series of articles. And piece I would be flattered to have Russell Crowe portray me, I can guarantee you that would be creative casting indeed. But there are parallels nonetheless.Â
In the flic (except for Pacino's character) hardly anyone paid attention to Crowe's character's claims against the tobacco industry. I've encountered the same resistance with regards to my "whistle blowing" about MLM. Like in the flic, most people don't want to listen because they're in denial. After all, to take over from Al Gore, they are both "inconvenient truths".
It is my sincere hope that by reading this article, you're not "most people".
If together, we were to climb to the top of a mountain and watch onto the vast network merchandising landscape so as to get a snap of what's happening in the industry right now, it would NOT be a pretty sight, and here's why:
The traditional MLM and Network Marketing industry has become "infected" in that every 6-12 months, tens of thousands of people (once called "MLM junkies" because they hop from program to program) are herded and listed like kine and stirred from one company to other.
And just when you think you've found a program you can call home and finally sink your dentition into ... BAM! The vicious circle starts all over AGAIN. Some people may be fortunate enough to get ahead of the income curve for a little piece if they have the money, time, and energy, but it's only a short respite before they'll have to move again ... And again ... AND AGAIN!
Right now, network marketers are troubled with life preservers just to keep their head above water as the ship is going down. (If you'll allow me yet other flic reference: Do you recall the classic scene from the 1997 film Titanic which featured all the survivors troubled for their lives in the freeze water after the ship has sunk?) It's a sign of the multiplication as record numbers of new distributors are hopping off and on the "MLM Merry-Go-Round".
And the Internet and its many social media outlets (aka Web 2.0) has caused people that participate in traditional MLMs to become obsessed with "getting in on the ground floor", "pre-launches", "the next big thing", and anything else that revolves around timing... Thus assuring things will ne'er go back to the way it was in the past when company loyalty was much more in vogue.
When something "newer, bigger, better, and easier" comes along, people get distracted and jump ship, thinking that the grass is always greener someplace else.
It's similar to musical chairs... When the music stops, networkers scramble to find a seat in the next brand new MLM pre-launch, thus "robbing Peter to pay Paul" and destroying their last program from the bottom up in the process!
The solution isn't in connexion an chance with a better comp plan, a better product, or a better system. But this has resulted in MLM companies (and distributors) to stoop to the worst of merchandising levels with all kinds of back-stabbing, name vocation and lawsuits.
Now before we go any further "down the rabbit hole", I want to make it clear that I'm not a dream stealer. If you're presently in a business and it's working for you, congratulations are in order. I'm simply stating the facts as I know them to be, supported real life experience, not theory.
If you don't believe this is a problem of epidemic proportion, I invite you to ask yourself a personal question... After all YOUR years in Network Marketing, what do you have to show for it?
Has the time, effort and money you've endowed in past business opportunities up to now generated a reciprocal result in terms of income and impulse for you and your family?
Have you ever stopped-up to ask yourself WHY this happens to you and well-nigh EVERYONE you know in that industry time and time again?
Most importantly, what will be different tomorrow or the next time you join yet other MLM or Network Marketing chance?
I believe it comes down to understanding that true and lasting residual income is created ONE WAY and one way ONLY: Customer acquisition and client retention. Because it's real clients reordering a expendable product or service that makes building long-term residual wealth a possibility.
You can choose to "work hard for money," or you can work smarter and "have your money work hard for you."
Either way, the choice is yours and it always has been. That being said it's imperative that you gather as much information as you can so that you can honestly evaluate the long term profitableness of ANY legitimate home business chance. To do so there are many objective factors to consider so therefore to assist you in doing this I recommend you download the FREE report at: Skipping this could be a HUGE commercial enterprise trip because there's no escaping this serious fact: Over 97% of the people who join any home-based business fail. During this frustrating journey, the overwhelming majority of them spend much more than they ever make, so be sure to do everything you can to prevent becoming yet other statistic.