Being an effective, quality, real estate agent, requires several skills, abilities, experiences, expertise, judgment, and actions, used together, to make the process, easier, less stressful, and far more efficient/ effective! This process begins with properly pricing a property, from the start, exploitation a professionally designed, Competitive Market Analysis, valuable, properly designed merchandising, well - considered, merchandising, delivery about a sale, and paying keen attention, until the closing. After more than a decade, as a Licensed Sales Representative, in New York, I have come to realize, the difference, the right agent, power offer, and, so, with that, in mind, this clause will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, some of the key considerations, to understand, during this process, and period of time.
Often, the initial, listing price, sets the tone, for how well the process will go! The best approach is to price it right from the start. Statistics, and data, indicates, the best offers, come, in the vast number of instances, in the first few weeks, after a property is listed, so, doesn't it make sense, to attract, the maximum number of qualified, potential buyers, from the start, by pricing it realistically, and in a well - considered manner. Sellers should demand, their agents, explain, their pricing rationale, and closely review a Competitive Market Analysis, and use it, to its best purposes.2.
What is the best way, to market, a specific house, and property? Choose an agent, who prepares, a fully considered, well - designed, merchandising plan, which includes, the reasoning behind, the best media, for your home, and how to get the most bang - for - the - buck. Included in that provision, should be: the proper combination of media use/ usage; priorities; goals; the house's niche; niche - merchandising, etc.3.
Selling must be proactive, and, clients and agents, must work together, as a team, in order to attain the best possible results. How quickly an agent responds to leads, answers/ addresses his client's concerns, and perceptions, and the quality of his advice, in a well - considered, timely manner, often, differentiates, the right representative, for you, and the rest - of - the - pack!4.
The process of merchandising, must close the deal, with the results, which make the most sense! Only when the sale, is completed, and, brough to fruition, has the agent, provided the service, his client needs, and deserves!5.
Some incorrectly believe, the process is over, when the offer is made and accepted. However, many things, power happen, between, that step, and the closing, and, thus, experience, expertise, foresight, and provision for contingencies, are essential qualities, requisite to be a great real estate agent!Homeowners should hire someone, to represent them, who will pay attention, to all these factors, and create a scenario, where his client, receives the highest, possible price, in the shortest time period, with the best terms, and the to the worst degree hassle! SInce, for most, their house, represents, their single - biggest, business asset, doesn't that make sense?