Ask any copywriter what the first commandment of copywriting is and they'll quickly tell you "Know Thy Target Audience." In order to write effectively you have to know this one group of people and know them well. I guess that's why many people get so unsuccessful when it seems they have more than one preferred client base. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, "What if I have more than one target audience?" In all actuality, you probably don't. You just have different segments of the same audience.
Segmenting your target audience is a very common practice... nigh expected even. Let me explain. Perhaps you sell a biological process supplement. Think of all the people who power use your biological process supplement. There are adults, pregnant women, growing teenagers, children, senior citizens, athletes, and many others. While all of these may seem to be entirely different target markets, they are actually just segments of the same biological process supplement market. These people all have a need and an interest in biological process supplements, but for very different reasons.
While some of the information you provide to each segment will be general and apply to everyone, other information will be specific thereto particular segment.
Ambush Marketing
Information Specific To Each Segment
For instance, everyone will want to know the overall benefits of taking the biological process supplement you offer. Perhaps they can expect to have more energy, lose a little weight, or prevent or cure certain diseases. Everyone cares about these benefits. But your biological process supplement may offer other benefits that only certain clients would have a need/want for.
Pregnant women want a biological process supplement that has high levels of vitamin Bc and other nutrients that will aid their developing babies. Senior citizens may have a need for supplements that contain higher levels of atomic number 20 (and in a more promptly absorbed form). Athletes burn a raft of nutrients and have a higher chance of acquiring disabled so those things are important to them.
Make the information about your product or service specific to any the inevitably of each segment are. You can do this in specific ways through a variety of different advertising mediums.
Segmenting In Brochures
Create one leaflet with the general information laid out inside its panels. Then create a separate, single panel addressing the inevitably/wants of one specific segment of your market (seniors, athletes, etc.). When you mail or give out your leaflets, simply slip the correct insert into the regular leaflet, and you have a custom-designed merchandising piece.
Segmenting On The Web
Web sites are also an first-class place to make use of segmenting. Starting with your home page, give general information that is applicable to all your site visitors. Then break out the information specific to each segment of your market. Give a brief description of the details that this segment can expect to find and a link to the page where they'll find them.
When your clients click to the various pages, they'll find specifics on how your product will benefit them and their special inevitably.
NOTE: When you segment on the Web, you also have a great chance for search engine optimization. Many first-class keyphrases come from extremely specific phrases. So, instead of "biological process supplements," you power find that "biological process supplements for seniors" or "biological process supplements for athletes" will give you the high rankings you want.
Segmenting In Print
Are you running newspaper ads? If so, ask about quadruple placement discounts. Many document will give you discounts for running ads in various sections of the paper at the same time. This gives you greater exposure and also allows you to segment your market through the use of the different sections.
Before you lump all your clients into one category, take a good hard look. Do they have different inevitably? Do you see various groups immerging from the crowd? Is there a way to segment your market? If your market is already broken into various segments, what is the best way to reach each group?
Once you determine the inevitably and wants of each segment of your target audience, you'll be better equipped to write copy that appeals to them. When you accomplish this through your copywriting, you'll find yourself with higher conversion ratios and more sales.
Karon Thackston © 2004