Why SMS? Why now? The Mobile World
Our world is more Mobile now than ever. Consumers are always on the move and it is increasingly hard to reach them through traditional channels like TV, Radio and Internet. In 2013 there were more than 6 billion subscriptions. With increasing penetration of cellphones to the most rural areas, mobile networks cover more than 90% of the world's population. Availability, affordability and ubiquitousness make the cellphone an essential platform for retail marketing and business to client communication.
The cellphone has become the new "must have" for any serious "innovative" marketing project. Due to the chop-chop expanding capabilities of smartphones, there is a misconception that 'archaic' technology such as SMS is not up to the task at hand. The truth is far from it.
Marketing Against The Grain
Most brands now choose SMS as a must-have when provision their mobile strategy. One of the reasons behind this is that patc there are 1 billion smartphones, there are 5 billion feature phones. All these phones have built-in SMS capability.
6 billion subscriptions worldwide.
Mobile operators cover more than 90% of the world.
Consumers are always on the move. (Increasingly hard to reach them through traditional channels)
All cellphones support SMS. (Smartphones and feature phones)
SMS does not require data connections or apps.
SMS is cost effective and ubiquitous.
Mobile is the most personal channel. SMS is direct and immediate.
SMS has a greater open rate than any other traditional alternative. (E-mail)
Mobile SMS offers are ransomed more oft than any other type of offer. (Prints, web etc.)
Consumers carry their cellphone and use it for everyday activities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
SMS is stored in user's mobile whether they engage with the substance now or later.
SMS Marketing Statistics
MMA: 91% of cellphone users have their phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (ie also love the phones)
AT&T: 88% of consumers watch the 2nd screen (mobile) patc observance TV
MMA: 43% of consumers use mobile as their primary search tool
SinglePoint: 90 percentage of all text substances are read inside 3 proceedings of being received on the cellphone
Mobile Marketing Watch: Mobile marketing ad spend grew more than 100 percentage in 2013.
Responsys: Nearly 2/3 of consumers signed to mobile marketing indicate that they have made a purchase as a result of receiving a extremely in question mobile substance.
Venture Beat: The open rate of SMS is 98 percentage compared with 22 percentage for emails.
Cellit: Text substances can be 8x more effective at attractive clients.
eMarketer: Mobile offers / SMS Coupons are ransomed 10x more oft than print offers.
SMS Messaging Services - Outbound SMS
Outbound SMS is a fast and reliable way to send large volumes of SMS substances on a global scale. By exploitation enterprise electronic messaging platforms, companies can send marketing campaigns, notifications, promotions and special offers, increasing brand awareness, client acquisition, client retention and driving sales.
SMS Messaging Services - Inbound SMS
Inbound SMS allows companies to globally receive SMS substances from consumers, attractive their target audience, increasing client loyalty, retention and reactivation by initiating 2-way communication with the consumer through Inbound Marketing.
Reach +7 Billion subscribers
The most personal channel SMS is direct and immediate.
98% Open Rate
SMS has a greater open rate than any other traditional alternative.
70% Response Rate
6 to 8 higher engagement rates than email. 45% click through rate of URLs. Mobile SMS offers are ransomed 10x more oft than any other type of offer.
90% of SMS is read in 3 proceedings.
No net required
SMS requires no data.
Stays there
SMS is stored in user's mobile whether they engage with the substance now or later.
Based on property technologies
100% Compatible
All cellphones support SMS (smartphones, multimedia and feature phones).
SMS is cost effective.